terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2012

Kawaii Wallpaper - Japan and Harajuku inspiration

Hi Bears !!!
How are u all?

Hoje trouxe alguns Wallpapers planejados por mim no estilo mais kawaii e doce possível! inspirados na Kyary Pamyu Pamyu e nos diversos tons de cores!
Para baixar os wallpapers é só visitar o meu deviantart.com ^-^

Today I brought some wallpapers designed by me in the more kawaii and sweet style as possible! inspired at Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and various shades of colors!
To download wallpapers just visit my deviantart.com  ^ - ^

Aqui tem uma amostra de um dos Wallpapers

Hope u like! 

kissus of cotton candy bears 

segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2012

Style + visual kei (simple) o/

This visual was assembled by me for a party at university! ^-^ The clothes are from Visual Kei style. The black shirt is common from popular stores and the socks are really good for this type of look! It is simple but at the same time a really comfortable and good combination o/

kissus of cotton candy ;**

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

Dress up game ^-^

 Hi Bears!
 Que tal jogar um pouquinho? achei alguns games bem legais pra quem curte moda e visuais Japoneses. Esse aqui é um pouco mais inspirado no Fairy kei e Decora!
How about playing a little? I found some nice games for people who likes fashion and Japanese visuals. This one is more inspired at Fairy Kei and Decora!
 O jogo se chama Kawaii Chic ~
The game is called Kawaii Chic ~
Você escolhe roupas, cabelo e acessórios para a boneca o/ 
You can choose clothes, hair and accessories for the doll o/
e pode criar diferentes estilos ^^
and create different styles ^^

Para jogar Clique aqui 

To play Click here 

Kissus of cotton candy ;***