Sejam Bem vindos ^-^
someone here knows what day is today?no no I'm not happy because of the ''carnaval''u-u but I'm happy because today is 20th february and today is my birthday o/ in spite of not wanting to became more old I'm really happy this day because all things^-^
Por tudo que já conquistei até agora e tudo que já aprendi, e feliz também pela minha vida /o/
Pelos amigos, pelos conhecimentos, aprendizados, experiências, família e tudo mais^-^
Esse feriado pra mim será muito especial *-* pois alguns amigos meus vão passar um tempo comigo aqui em casa e vamos comemorar o meu aniversário *-*
For everything I conquered up to now and all the things I learned, and happy too because of my life /o/ because of friends, by knowledge, things I learned, experiences, family and all^-^This holiday is going to be especial for me *-* because some of my friends will pass a time with me here at my house to celebrate my Birthday *-*
Today Patrícia and Bruno are going to sleep here at my house and my Edwin♥ too! I'm thinking to invite more people to come here at night *-* lol let's see if I can *u*
Today is day of:
Today is day of:
Teve um festão, hein? XD